SIRLab is excited to announce new research projects in Tanzania and Kenya for 2016!
Members of the network will be traveling to Dar es Salaam, the Kilimanjaro Region, and Nairobi, over the next two weeks, to meet with 10 different development organizations, as well as faculty and students at the University of Dar es Salaam School of Business. Several of the meetings will be introductory and exploratory in nature, giving the development organizations a better understanding of the SIRLab Process. Two of the organizations have partnered with SIRLab in the past, while another has already completed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to move forward with a particular challenge/project. Specific details about each of the resulting projects, such as the challenges presented by the development organizations and the interventions designed and piloted by a SIRLab research team, will be made available here over the next few months.
All of the resulting projects in Tanzania and Kenya will be developed and completed in addition to the three SIRLab projects in Ghana and the single SIRLab project in Ethiopia. Updates pertaining to each of these projects will be posted in mid February!
For the next update on these project, and all SIRLab projects and events, follow us @SIR_Lab.